Page 12 - How to Be a Victorious Christian - eBook
P. 12

"Brother Saxby, you say it is so, and the Lord will help you to see that it is so."

           "But how can I say a thing is so when I know it is not so?" Elder Saxby protested.

           "Brother Saxby, you say it is so, and the Lord will help you to see that it is so," Elder

           A repeated. With that he continued reading.

           A page or so farther along Elder A read another statement to which Willard Saxby
           objected, "That is not so!"

           Again Elder A answered the protestation by saying substantially what he had said
           before. Then, after making a few other observations, he began to read the letter


           There were four personal statements in the letter to which Willard Saxby took
           exception. On the first he was especially positive.

           The letter finished, Elder Saxby received permission to take it home and return it the

           next day.

           When he got to his room Willard Saxby found his wife in bed, but awake, anxiously
           wondering what had detained him. When he told her his experience she asked him to
           read the testimony from Sister White. He demurred, saying it was too late to read it
           all. But he agreed to share with her the one paragraph with which he had his greatest
           problem. Before he read it he told his wife that he had insisted to Elder A that what

           Sister White had written was not so.

           The statement in question had to do with a matter between Saxby and his wife. After
           he had read it, Mrs. Saxby abruptly sat up in bed and, emphatically pointing her
           finger at him, said with all the earnestness of which she was capable, "Willard, that

           is so!"

                                                  Three Against One

           Describing his reaction to his wife's exclamation, Elder Saxby wrote:

                  I began to reason very seriously, like this: My wife says it is so; and Elder A,
           because of his confidence in the Spirit of  Prophecy, says it is so; and, above all, the

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