Page 17 - Of Course You Can Walk On Water - eBook
P. 17

wave of denial and looked in pity and forgiveness upon His disciple that Peter was saved,
        perhaps, from being swallowed up forever, as Judas was swallowed.

        Peter needed to see the wind and the waves. He had to see them at some time in his life.
        Jesus led him through the experience as gently as He could. Peter was not aware of his
        self-sufficiency and pride, but until he was brought to recognize these sins, and thus to
        turn to Jesus for help to be saved from them, he could not really sense his need of his

        Master. Until he truly grasped that need he could not be brought to the necessary
        repentance for his. sins.

        Peter was nothing if not sincere. But he did not know himself. He was not aware of his
        own weakness, and actually considered his most serious faults to be strengths.

        There are many of us who are sincere in our desire to serve Jesus who will, at some time
        in our experience, have to be led to see the wind and the waves. In other words, we must
        see ourselves as we really are. Until this happens, we may never realize our appalling
        spiritual and moral shortcomings.

        Before we can walk on the violent seas ahead there must come a facing up to the defects
        we cherish, the precious sins we may not want to see, our weaknesses, our real
        characters-our self-sufficiency, our helplessness. We will have to see that what we think
        of as our area of greatest strength is the point of greatest weakness.

        "'My power,'" said God to Paul, "'is made perfect in weakness'" (2 Cor. 12:9).

        "Our own strength is weakness, but that which God gives is mighty and will make
        everyone who obtains it more than conqueror." - Testimonies, vol. 2, p.203.

        To say that we have no strength of our own, that Christ is our strength, is not to resign our

        responsibilities and become passive. Writing of what takes place in a person who grasps
        the depths of his own insufficiency and the power of Christ's sufficiency, Ellen White
        says, "You will have strength from God that will hold fast to His strength; and a new
        light, even the light of living faith, will be possible to you .... There will be in you a
        power, an earnestness, and a simplicity that will make you a polished instrument in the
        hands of God." -Ibid., vol. 5, pp. 514, 515.

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