Page 12 - Our God of Love, Mercy, and Justice
P. 12

God's plan was unfolding, showing both His justice and His mercy, and fully
          vindicating His wisdom and righteousness in His dealings with evil.
               The holy inhabitants of other worlds were watching with the deepest interest the
          events taking place on the earth. In the condition of the world that existed before the
          Flood   they   saw   illustrated   the  results   of   the   administration   which   Lucifer   had

          endeavored to establish in heaven, in rejecting the authority of Christ and casting
          aside the law of God. In those high-handed sinners of the antediluvian world they saw
          the subjects over whom Satan held sway. The thoughts of men's hearts were only evil
          continually. Every emotion, every impulse and imagination, was at war with the
          divine principles of purity and peace and love.  It was an example of the awful
          depravity resulting from Satan's policy to remove from God's creatures the restraint of

          His holy law.  PP 78, 79.

                                                       The Flood
               In the days of Noah a double curse was resting upon the earth in consequence of
          Adam's transgression and of the murder committed by Cain. Yet this had not greatly
          changed the face of nature. There were evident tokens of decay, but the earth was still
          rich and beautiful in the gifts of God's providence. . . .

                God bestowed upon these antediluvians many and rich gifts; but they used His
          bounties to glorify themselves, and turned them into a curse by fixing their affections
          upon the gifts instead of the Giver. . . .  Not desiring to retain God in their
          knowledge, they soon came to deny His existence. They adored nature in place of
          the God of nature. They glorified human genius, worshiped the works of their own
          hands, and taught their children to bow down to graven images. . . .

                   "God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
          imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. . . . The earth also
          was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence." God had given men
          His commandments as a rule of life, but His law was  transgressed, and every
          conceivable sin was the result. The wickedness of men was open and daring, justice
          was trampled in the dust, and the cries of the oppressed reached unto heaven.
          PP 90, 91.

               And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at
          his heart.  Genesis 6:6.
               Iniquity had become so deep and widespread that God could no longer bear with
          it; and He said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the
          earth."  PP  92.

               But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  Genesis 6:8.
                Amid the prevailing corruption, Methuselah, Noah, and many others labored to
          keep alive the knowledge of the true God and to stay the tide of moral evil. A hundred
          and twenty years before the Flood, the Lord by a holy angel declared to Noah His

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